- Buzz Aldrin -
“Mars has been flown by, orbited, smacked into, radar examined, and rocketed onto, as well as bounced upon, rolled over, shoveled, drilled into, baked and even blasted. Still to come: Mars being stepped on.”
NASA Earth and Space Sciences Fellow (2017-present)
ExxonMobil Summer Intern (2019)
MEPAG Mars Student Travel Grant Recipient (2017; 2019)
Ivy 3-Minute Thesis Competition Brown University Representative (2019)
Brown University Research Matters Final Showcase Presenter (2019)
Guest on WeMartians podcast (2018, episode 43)
Instructor of Summer@Brown course 'Habitable Worlds'. For the 2018 syllabus, click here!
Sigma Xi Honor Society Associate Member (2018-present)
LPI Career Development Awardee (2018)
Brown University Sheridan Center Teaching Liaison (2017-2019)
Claire Booth Luce Scholarship (2014-2015; undergraduate)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Intern (2014-2015; undergraduate)
A. Palumbo and A. Deutsch, M. Bramble, J. Tarnas, B. Boatwright, L. Lark, E. Nathan, J. Wilner, Y. Chen, B. Anzures, C. A. Denton, L. Tokle, G. Casey, A. Pimentel, J. Head, K. Ramsley, U. Shah, A. Kothandhapani, H. P. Gokul, J. Mehta, V. Vatsal (2019), Scientific exploration of Mare Imbrium with OrbitBeyond, Inc.: Characterizing the regional volcanic history of the Moon, New Space 7(3), p. 137-150.
M. Turbet, C. Gillmann, F. Forget, B. Baudin, A. Palumbo, J. Head, and O. Karatekin (2020), The environmental effects of very large bolide impacts on early Mars explored with a hierarchy of numerical models, Icarus 335, 113419.
A. Palumbo and J. Head (2019), Oceans on Mars: The possibility of a Noachian groundwater-fed ocean in a sub-freezing martian climate, Icarus 331, p. 209-225.
A. Palumbo and J. Head (2018), Early Mars climate history: Characterizing a "warm and wet" martian climate with a 3D global climate model and testing geological predictions, Geophysical Research Letters 45, p. 10249-10258, DOI: 10.1029/2018GL079767.
A. Deutsch, J. Head, K. Ramsley, C. Pieters, R. Potter, A. Palumbo, M. Bramble, J. Cassanelli, E. Jawin, L. Jozwiak, H. Kaplan, C. Lynch, A. Pascuzzo, L. Qiao and D. Weiss (2018), Science exploration architecture for Phobos and Deimos: The role of Phobos and Deimos in the future exploration of Mars, Advances in Space Research 63(8), p. 2174-2186.
J. Tarnas, J. Mustard, B. Sherwood Lollar, M. Bramble, K. Cannon, A. Palumbo and A.-C. Plesa (2018), Radiolytic H2 production on Noachian Mars: Implications for habitability, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 502, 133-145.
E. Rosenberg, A. Palumbo, J. Cassanelli, J. Head and D. Weiss (2018), The volume of water required to carve the martian valley networks: Improved constraints using updated methods, Icarus 317, p. 379-387.
A. Palumbo, J. Head and R. Wordsworth (2018), Late Noachian Icy Highlands Climate Model: Exploring the possibility of transient melting and fluvial/lacustrine activity through peak temperatures, Icarus 300, p. 261-286.
A. Palumbo and J. Head (2017), Impact cratering as a cause of climate change, surface alteration, and resurfacing during the early history of Mars, Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, p. 1-39, DOI: 10.1111/maps.13001.
D. Weiss, J. Head, A. Palumbo and J. Cassanelli (2017), Extensive Amazonian-aged fluvial channels on Mars: Evaluating the role of Lyot crater in their formation, Geophysical Research Letters 44, DOI: 10.1002/2017GL073821.
A. Palumbo and J. Head, Rainfall on Noachian Mars: Nature, timing, and influence on geologic processes and climate history, In revision at Icarus.
A. Palumbo and J. Head, Groundwater release on early Mars: Utilizing models and proposed evidence for groundwater release to estimate the required climate and subsurface water inventory, Under review at Geophysical Research Letters.
A. Palumbo and J. Head, Oceans on Mars: Exploring mechanisms for recharge of the groundwater system, Under review at Planetary and Space Science.
A. Palumbo and J. Head, Climate model predictions for a transient change from a long-lived "cold and icy" climate to a short-lived "warm and wet" climate in the Late Noachian-Early Hesperian, Under review at Icarus.
Research Publications

click on author list for link to papers and abstracts.

Conferences Attended
51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (oral + poster)
European Geophysical Union General Assembly
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (oral)
10th Moscow Solar System Symposium (oral + poster)
9th International Conference on Mars (oral); session chair + winner of MEPAG Mars Student Travel Grant
50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (oral + poster)
60th Microsymposium (oral)
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (poster)
9th Moscow Solar System Symposium (oral + poster)
49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (oral + poster); winner of 2018 LPI Career Development Award
International Symposium for Lunar and Planetary Science 2018, Macau China (oral + poster)
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (oral)
8th Moscow Solar System Symposium (oral)
4th International Conference on Early Mars (oral + poster); winner of MEPAG Mars Student Travel Grant
48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (oral + poster)
6th Mars Atmosphere Modeling and Observations Workshop (oral + poster)
7th Moscow Solar System Symposium (poster)
Planetary Cratering Consortium (oral)
47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (two posters)
6th Moscow Solar System Symposium (two orals)
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (poster)

Selected Recent First-Author Conference Abstracts
A. Palumbo and J. Head (2019), Oceans on Mars: The possibility of a Noachian groundwater-fed ocean in a sub-freezing martian climate, LPSC 50, Abstract 2024, oral.
A. Palumbo, J. Head and R. Wordsworth (2019), Volcanism on early Mars: Exploring the influence of the SO2 plume on localized and short-term climate change, LPSC 50, Abstract 2169, poster.
A. Palumbo and J. Head (2018), Characterizing a "warm and wet" early martian climate with a 3D global climate model, LPSC 49, Abstract 2699, oral.
A. Palumbo, J. Head and R. Wordsworth (2018), Exploring the influence of volcanism-induced heating on the early climate of Mars, LPSC 49, Abstract 2169, poster.
A. Palumbo (2017), Noachian impact basins: Transient high-temperature silicate condensate deposition, hot rainfall and surface alteration, AGU, Abstract 297165, oral.